Tuesday 10 February 2009

After School Dance Clubs in UK Primary Schools

Sometimes Primary schools can be a little too focused on their provision of numeracy, literacy and the like to be interested in the Arts.

All too often the first items to fall off the end of the curriculum are Music, Dance, Art and anything seen as, dare I say it, "not real subjects".

Very often cross curricular links can be used when teaching dance in primary schools allowing important subject matter to be taught whilst keeping a focus on creativity.

An ideal way of ensuring that dance gets the priority it deserves to ensure that the children have access to an out of school club. A child attending a dance club prior to the start of a normal school is alert, refreshed and ready for lessons. An after school dance club also allows children to work out the frustrations of the day and if working with a professional dancer be inspired to take dance further in later life.

Zoons Dance Clubs are run across the United Kingdom for this very purpose on behalf of the company, Education Group. Education Group are the largest provider of educational services for primary schools including music workshops, indian dance workshops, african drumming or any type of dance session in primary schools. For more information go to http://www.educationgroup.co.uk

Dance need not be the forgotten subject that does not get taught. It needs to be given the status it deserves and the Zoons will ensure this happens. Go to http://www.zoons.co.uk and meet the monkey, lizard and panda that will do it.

Monday 9 February 2009

The Zoons are here

I'm Pogo and I'm a surfing, didgeridoo playing monkey.

I have two other cool friends, Zap, a cheeky little lizard in a spaceship and Jaz who is a cool and funky panda with all the moves.

Together we are the Zoons, the newest, brightest dance team working in schools today and we've got a brand new website - www.zoons.co.uk

For exciting games, downloads and information on how the Zoons can visit your primary school and deliver their music, moves and routines as part of an after school dance club get involved now!